Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Worthy Macbeth

  Macbeth is one of the best kinsmen. He is the strongest man. He is the one who fights battles for me and bring me the succeed. He is the Thane of Glamis. He recently won a battle for me where he revealed his bravery once again. So, I  named him as the Thane of Cawdor. Well, he deserves it. Since he has joined my army he has showed his manhood.
  Furthermore, I decided to kill the previous Cawdor who broke my trust and betrayed me. I do not care even if he apologizes. It is  impossible to read someone's mind. There is no art to find what someone's mind is saying just by looking at his face. Indeed, external appearances can be deceiving. However, Macbeth is a trustworthy man. I am very thankful to him and amazed with his courage. I am also proud to name him Thane of Cawdor. Although, I want to give him more presents. Therefore, as a present I decided to visit his castle and arrange a big feast, and, to share the joy of success with my kinsmen, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.
 Lady Macbeth, the wonderful wife of Macbeth. She is very adorable, respectful and sincere. She is very smart too. She often gives me good suggestions about helping my people. She is the mental power of Macbeth. She inspires Macbeth to be more confident about his deeds. She resembles my daughter as she says that I resemble her father. I admire her as a very responsible lady.
I pray that, they may be the happiest and a successful couple.
                                                                                         - Mubasherow Shorno

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