Monday, January 24, 2011

Journey to Inverness

Dear Journal,

Today I have decided to go and visit the brave Macbeth and his beautiful wife in their lovely estate; a homely castle in Inverness. I feel the need to have a grand dinner with Macbeth to celebrate Scotland’s outstanding victory in the great battle we have just overcome. Scotland triumphs yet again! We shall leave at dusk (Myself and my most trusted guards) to visit Macbeth. I am sure he will be a terrific host, as will his most lovely wife, the Lady Macbeth. I am positive the food will be divine, and the entertainment, delightful! I hear he has some of the best wines on reserve and one would definitely look forward to a cup or two. I am not sure how to phrase this, but for some reason I feel a small bother to go to Inverness. I do not understand this, something in my head is telling me to stay here, in my castle. What if poor Malcolm were to get sick? I am sure it is just nothing; I plan to leave for Inverness as soon as the servants are done fixing up the horses and packing my belongings. I wonder if I should bring some sort of house gift, to thank them for having me? Perhaps a nice tea set or some fancy, jeweled cutlery? Anyways I shall decide when it is time to go. I shall write to you again tomorrow night, after I return from Inverness. Wish me luck, and that reluctant feeling should go away while we ride off. Till tomorrow, journal!

The War With England

Alas the war is finally over. What a long, gruesome and painful war that was. But I am quite proud of Scotland and all of our brave soldiers, especially Macbeth and Banquo our captains, who fought a great battle and made us all proud. Macbeth and Banquo are very sincere soldiers who have increased the trust and respect I have for them, after this war. They deserve a much higher ranking in this society. And I will take that into consideration when deciding amongst other people. I am sure they will get a high ranking very soon. But overall everything went well and made me proud. This war makes me proud to be a Scotlander, and even more proud to be king of a great country like this. We have proven our worthiness to everyone who doubted our strengths, and war skills. Except for the fact that a well trusted and respected Thane would be such a coward and a traitor. Even the Thane of Ross stated “Assisted by the disloyal traitor.” “The Thane of Cawdor began a dismal conflict.” Such people like that do not deserve such a high ranking in this honourable society. Heck I have even forgotten why he is Thane of Cawdor to begin with. He is such a disgrace to Scotland. “No more that thane of Cawdor shall deceive. Our bosom interest: go, pronounce his present death.” He will pay the price for his disloyalty. Shall hell greet him with great regards because he will fit in perfectly. “And with his former title greet Macbeth.” Macdonwald will regret his decision. “What he hath lost, noble Macbeth hath won.” That is all, you may be dismissed.

-Janosh Sritharan

Friday, January 21, 2011

Heir to the Throne

It has been a long day after battling the likes of England and Norway.  Although a successful outcome, I was presented with some shocking news. I would never have expected the honourable Macdonwald to defect to England and betray his homeland, Scotland.  As much as this saddens me, this day also revealed my loyal supporters. I am now well informed of Macbeth’s acts on the battlefield; I am confident that my decision to name Macbeth, Thane of Cawdor, was well deserved especially since he has slain his predecessor.

As a result of today’s events, I am forced to reckon with the reality of my weariness.  I feel age has come upon me and it is the time to think about my heir to the throne.  Such occasions make me think of my dearest wife.  If she had not passed so young, she would be my biggest supporter and mother to our two sons. If not for Macbeth and Banquo acting as older brothers to Malcolm and Donaldbain, they would have missed out on a loving family environment.

As King of Scotland, there was no choice but to focus on duty and serving the people.  The opportunity to be a loving father was limited. Nonetheless they have both become handsome, well mannered young men. Now I must put my trust in one of my sons to rule Scotland. They are both reasonable candidates, so I do fear that they may feel I prefer one son over the other.  But they know that I am a man of tradition; there is no denying this fact.  Malcolm is my eldest son and therefore, the throne should be passed on to him. Although he may be the rightful heir, his inexperience concerns me. He has but an innocent mind, living the life of royalty. He has not felt the enormous pressure of decision making and the effects it has on the people of Scotland. He has not even experienced the joy of women. Ultimately, I believe he understands the concept of duty, primarily because our relationship has been based more on kingship than father and son.

My next agenda shall be to prepare Malcolm as the next ruler. It will not take much effort to get Malcolm to participate in my plans as he looks up to Macbeth and Banquo as elder brothers. Macbeth and Banquo are truly honourable men of Scotland. They have fought valiantly in battles and have demonstrated their loyalty to the throne. They are men of strong character and leadership. They have served me well over the years. I indeed have utmost trust in them. Malcolm will surely be guided well by them, so I can rest at ease.

As the King of Scotland I believe Malcolm to be the rightful and worthy heir. Despite his royal blood, he is his father’s son. He will no doubt rise to the occasion and rule justly over the kingdom as I have.

-          Amilah Rasool

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Worthy Macbeth

  Macbeth is one of the best kinsmen. He is the strongest man. He is the one who fights battles for me and bring me the succeed. He is the Thane of Glamis. He recently won a battle for me where he revealed his bravery once again. So, I  named him as the Thane of Cawdor. Well, he deserves it. Since he has joined my army he has showed his manhood.
  Furthermore, I decided to kill the previous Cawdor who broke my trust and betrayed me. I do not care even if he apologizes. It is  impossible to read someone's mind. There is no art to find what someone's mind is saying just by looking at his face. Indeed, external appearances can be deceiving. However, Macbeth is a trustworthy man. I am very thankful to him and amazed with his courage. I am also proud to name him Thane of Cawdor. Although, I want to give him more presents. Therefore, as a present I decided to visit his castle and arrange a big feast, and, to share the joy of success with my kinsmen, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.
 Lady Macbeth, the wonderful wife of Macbeth. She is very adorable, respectful and sincere. She is very smart too. She often gives me good suggestions about helping my people. She is the mental power of Macbeth. She inspires Macbeth to be more confident about his deeds. She resembles my daughter as she says that I resemble her father. I admire her as a very responsible lady.
I pray that, they may be the happiest and a successful couple.
                                                                                         - Mubasherow Shorno